Monday, October 8, 2012

We're not in the Keys, but we can imagine....

At first glance, they don't look like much. A cupcake with vanilla frosting, right? At second glance you might find yourself pondering the graham cracker garnish, but beyond that - just a cupcake, right? I am here to tell you that you are wrong. What you see above is the creation of a cupcake that tastes just like biting into a delicious piece of authentic Key Lime Pie. 

Did you know that real life, honest to goodness, authentic Key Lime Pie is yellow, NOT green. If you get a piece of key lime pie and its green....just send it back. The real stuff is yellow. Yellow, tangy, delectable. My Dad, the famous Craig, he is a Key Lime Pie aficionado. He knows where to get the good stuff. His seal of approval on this creation was indeed a necessity. What did he say when he bit into the graham cracker cake with tangy key lime curd filling and tart key lime frosting? He said..."It's good." Which, if you know my Dad, is REALLY saying something! 

After multiple other tastes tests, its official, Key Lime Pie Cupcakes are on the Menu. If you want it to taste more subtle, throw on some vanilla frosting (my 6 year old went beserk over this combo). If you want all of the tart "kapow" that is in a piece of key lime pie then keep the key lime/key lime combo. Either way, you're going to be craving a second helping.